The Sophia Prayer

The Sophia Prayer

 The Sophia Prayer is a form of meditation that has grown out of the Christian contemplative tradition and the teachings of Father Thomas Keating OCSO, one of the founders of Centering Prayer. 
Sophia Prayer was developed by Rev Sara Sorche Berry LC, a student of Fr Keating, as a meditation for use in interfaith and natural settings, with "Sophia" or "Divine Wisdom," shared by several faith traditions, as an initial focus.

Guidelines for Sophia Prayer:
1.  Choose one of the wisdom phrases,  "I rest in Sophia," or "I rest in Divine Wisdom" as the symbol of your intention to consent to the action of divine wisdom within.
2.  Sitting comfortably and with eyes closed, relax for a few moments into the pattern of your breath. Silently introduce the wisdom phrase as the symbol of your consent to the action of divine wisdom within.
3.  Relax into the silence space of divine presence and Simply Be.
4.  When your thoughts intervene, let your mind return gently to the wisdom phrase.
5.  At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a few moments.

Sophia's Grove ©2021

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